Ne srj
Beszlj hozzm gyengden
Van valami a szemedben
Ne lgasd a fejed bnatodban,
s krlek, ne srj.
Tudom, hogy rzel,
n is vgigcsinltam mr ezt
Valami most megvltozik benned,
De tudd:
Ne srj ma jjel
Mg mindig szeretlek
Ne srj ma este
Ne srj
A mennyek fld borulnak,
Krlek ne srj ma jjel
Suttogj nekem
Shajts egyet
Adj egy cskot, mieltt elbcszol
Ne vedd olyan komolyan
s krlek ne neheztsd meg
Sokat fogok gondolni rd,
s az egytt tlttt idre…Drga.
Ne srj ma jjel
Ne srj ma jjel
Ne srj…
A mennyek fld borulnak,
Krlek ne srj ma jjel
Krlek emlkezz- sose hazudtam neked
s emlkezz, hogy reztem magam
A sajt utadat kell mostantl jrnod
De sikerlni fog, des.
Holnap mr jobban rzed majd magad
A reggel knnyedn virrad majd.
s ne srj ma jjel
Ne srj ma jjel
Ne srj ma jjel
A mennyek fld borulnak,
Krlek ne srj ma jjel
Soha ne srj
Ne srj
Drgm, taln egy nap…
Ne srj
Soha ne srj
Ne srj
Ma jjel…
Guns n Roses- Don't Cry
Talk to me softly
There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Something's changing inside you
And don't you know
Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
Give me a whisper
And give me a sigh
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinking of you
And the times we
And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember how I felt inside now honey
You got to make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby
And don't you cry tonight
And don't you cry tonight
And don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry